Cinder Block And Timber Benches
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Cinder blocks (4 per support) construction adhesive (one tube glues about 3 supports) primer ; Wood posts (5 per bench) carriage bolts, nuts and washers (5 per bench, if joining. For the space we were using, 8′ was too long for a bench width, so we (“we” meaning my husband) cut each 4×4 down to a 7′ length. We then coated the wood with.
All you have to do is buy some cinder blocks some four by four long pieces of wood and put the whole thing together by using a very simple stacking. See more ideas about cinder block bench, cinder block, cinder block furniture. This project needs 6 cinder blocks, and you set them up in this shape. 2 stacked on top of each other and the other one is vertical behind the first 2. Next i slid each of the boards. Materials for how to make a diy cinder block bench. 14 cinder blocks (6) 4×4 wood posts; Power washer* tsp (trisodium phosphate) stix waterborne bonding. Cushions, pillows, and candles (if you want to dress it up) directions: